Many of my friends have said to me, “So Tata, you open up a swanky clothing store and you want to give what? Knitting classes? Who does that?”

Shari Tata does! Why knitting? Well, it all started with my sister Dore’s dear sweet mother-in-law Shirley, who taught Dore to knit. I think I started something at the time, but it didn’t really sink in. Of course, when I was little, my mom knitted us stocking caps – yes, those long hats that Dr. Seuss characters wear! These early influences clearly stuck in my head.
The knitting bug didn’t hit me until I was on a plane and sat next to a very elegant man reading a copy of Vogue magazine and marking pages. I thought it was unusual and asked him why. He explained he was one of the owners of Lion Brand yarn and was always on the look out for pattern inspiration. I doubt he even remembers the incident, but the seed was planted.

With four kids, free time was rare, but I had a free night soon thereafter and made my way over to a local Rag Shop and bought a how to knit kit and some yarn. I remember I stayed up until 2 in the morning and proudly admired my first knitted scarf – and I was hooked! Shortly thereafter, I taught my daughter Morgan and before you know it, she was selling her own designs on Etsy!
Since then, knitting has become a wonderful part of my life. Both my sisters also knit and we all have sought out knitting stores all over the U.S. and Europe. When we plan a trip, we always sneak in a stop – or two or three – at local yarn stores. Not only do they have different and wonderful offerings, but their sometimes remote spots takes us off the beaten path and to places we wouldn’t otherwise explore!

We even go to different knitting events together! There’s the Maryland Sheep & Wool Festival ( https://sheepandwool.org/ ) and the New York State Sheep & Wool Festival ( https://sheepandwool.com/) – in Rhinebeck, N.Y. Dozens of different types of sheep and gorgeous wools! I can’t think of a better time!

Yet, the big cities have wonderful offerings too! Vogue Knitting Live (https://www.vogueknittinglive.com /portal) is the big event in NYC every winter and Dore and I even walked the runway in our creations as finalists in their Reader on the Runway Contest! Paris’s opportunities for knitters are encroyable! Like department stores of old, Paris’s department stores have knitting sections! The local stores in Paris are also amazing and I will never forget one especially friendly lady and her little shop near Sacre Coeur!
Knitting can be simple or extremely complicated. Projects can be quick or even take years to complete! Some items may be throwaways and others heirlooms. The possibilities are endless!
Knitting is wonderful because it is whatever you want it to be. Like to sit alone on the couch, cuddled up with your dog and binge watch? It’s a perfect time for knitting! Like to get together with friends over coffee and gab? Add knitting to the mix. You can knit small projects on trains or while standing in line. The process in so relaxing and is a great stress reducer. Admiring something beautiful that you made with your own two hands is simply the cherry on top!
Which brings us to this collection. Each collection I have started a hand knitted piece as part of the collection, but have not put into production because they were always too complicated to make multiples of. This time, our winter ice cream theme screamed for knitted hats and I went about designing them. My original intention was simply to sell them in the store, but it occurred to me how many people always tell me they are looking for people to teach them to knit and the classes started to take shape. We’re starting with our simplest hat, The Vanilla Fudge Sundae Knitted hat with its cherry red pom pom on top and we hope you join us!